Well, there were these people. They called me Paula. I don’t remember them that well, since it was so long ago now, but they decided to split up their pack. Unfortunately, neither one of theme wanted me so I got tied up to a tree until a nice person asked if they could take me and brought me to a rescue. Luckily they said yes.

I was scared. I was poked, prodded, and shoved inside a big box with other boxes. And each of those boxes had other doggies in them. It was very loud and I was there for a while, but eventually they let me out!
That’s when I met my dad.

I didn’t know what to think of him at first and I was very nervous when he brought me home.
I WAS IN A CAR! It was fun, even if I was still kinda scared. This was also the first time my dad would see my ears do their thing in person.

I was unsure of my new home. I was scared, in a strange place, and it was very cold. But eventually I relaxed enough to fall asleep.

It took me a while, but eventually I got comfortable and realized my dad wasn’t going to hurt me but then I learned that I HAD A BROTHER AND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!